Fire-Up Connect Weekly Meeting

Date(s) - December 5, 2023
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

This is the Fire-Up Connect weekly meeting for current members and 1st-time guests/visitors.

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Welcome Introduction – Moderator/Host
  2. Questions & Answers – One minute time allowed per person
  3. Expert / Presenter – 7-minute time with 3-min Q&A from the attendees
  4. Business Share Time – One minute time allowed per person with one of the following topics:
    1. One Success Story Sharing
    2. One Business Challenge
    3. One Business Goal with specific targeted completion date
  5. Project Collaboration / Announcements

Zoom Meeting Information will be provided to the members and to the invited guests.

For more information, call Marie Waite at 951-378-5316 or email at


Remember to log in first if you are a Fire Up Connect Member!

Bookings are closed for this event.