Fire-Up Connect Magazine Sponsor Registration

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(Choose all that apply)

Content Format Requirements:

Article Submission:
Article copy should be delivered in Text file format (Word doc, Pages doc, Plain Text, etc).

*Note: Final Draft submissions only (article will be printed letter for letter as provided unless editing services have been agreed upon with Marie Waite.) All print ready photos to be included with article should be delivered separately in high definition large sized image file format such as .jpg, .png, .tiff, .pdf with 300dpi for optimal print results (lower resolution images may appear fuzzy or slightly out of focus in print).

Advertiser Submission:
Final draft ad in print ready image file format (.jpg, .png, .tiff, .psd, .pdf) 300dpi,  (ad print requirements are specified below). Ads will be printed exactly as delivered unless ad design services have been agreed upon with Marie Waite.

Full Page Print Ad requirements: 8.4 inches x 10.9 inches (.3 inches bleed / .6 inches trim recommended), 300 dpi, CMYK color mode

1/2 Page Vertical Print Ad requirements: 3.5 inches x 9.6 inches, 300dpi CMYK

1/2 Page Horizontal Print Ad requirements: 6.95 inches x 4.8 inches, 300dpi CMYK

1/4 Page Print Ad requirements: 3.5 inches x 4.8 inches, 300dpi CMYK