Get Your $100 Membership Discount Today!

Fire-Up Connect Networking Group Membership is brought to you by The Finest Women In Real Estate Professional Services Network.
Membership dues are a monthly subscription automatically collected via Paypal. Cancel any time!
The additional one-time sign-up fee has been discounted for you to only $150! (usually $250).

STEP #1: Choose a membership level below and click the sign up button.
STEP #2: You will be taken to the Paypal website. Make your payment to initiate your membership subscription.
STEP #3: You will be taken back to the Fire Up Connect site to create your account and member profile.

IMPORTANT: If you do not create your profile account right away,
you can create it later by following the link in the welcome email you received from Fire-Up Connect after making your payment.
If you do not see this email, remember to check your email spam folder!